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What Is The Enneagram

The History of AET

The Association of Enneagram Teachers in the Narrative Tradition (AET) has come a long way since David Daniels and Helen Palmer envisioned a professional association for graduates of their Enneagram Intensive™ and Enneagram Professional Training Program™ in 1994.

Janet Levine and other dedicated volunteers stepped up to help manifest that vision with a simple grass-roots organization. Levine served as president, editor and publisher of TALK magazine, membership organizer and general motivator for three years. As new members joined, it became apparent that the time had come to create a formal association, so in 1996 a steering committee formed under Levine’s guidance to develop a more workable structure. In 1997 Janet stepped down, and Gary Haselhuhn became the Association’s second president.

At the assocation’s 1998 annual meeting in Asilomar, the steering committee accepted the bylaws and the first board was formed: Gary Haselhuhn as president, Peter O’Hanrahan as treasurer, Kit Snyder as secretary, Laura Borden as member-at-large and Donna Thome as president-elect. The steering committee remained in place, and David Daniels, Helen Palmer and Janet Levine were asked to serve on the advisory board.

Gary continued the arduous task of incorporating and filing for nonprofit status with the IRS. Just prior to the 1999 meeting in St. Louis, we received notification that our nonprofit application had been accepted. Haselhuhn had completed his work just as his term as president came to a close.

With the new organizational structure in place, the board began to learn how to operate effectively. President Donna Thome facilitated with humor and a firm hand, and steered the Association into its next phase. Volunteerism continued to be the driving force, and TALK became a professional journal.

Hannah Nathans became board president in 2001. Hannah led the Association into a new phase of professionalism, thanks to the efforts of each board member and to volunteers working in committees and at conferences. “Friends of the Enneagram in the Narrative Tradition” was created to generate money for EPTP scholarships.

In 2004 Paul Cowan took over the presidency. He has worked with the board to add value to membership and focus on a more stable and professional staff. We hired a secretary to do member registration. This year, in May 2006 we launched our newly updated website… [more to come…]


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  AET is the alumni association of Enneagram Worldwide  
© 2009 Association of Enneagram Teachers in the Narrative Tradition